x mood : hungry
x music : serenade for june : tibetan moons
I'm in a much better mood than last time I updated, and when was it? Friday? Anyway, I went to Stockholm on Saturday to party with some friends at this new night club Club Shibuya. It was fun and I took some pics. Erika (one of the friends I went with took lots of more pics and I haven't got them yet, can't wait to watch them! haha). When I'm home I'll take something to eat and then I'll watch my new HIM dvd 8D It's not actually that new I just happend to have money when I went to Old Town in Stockholm and to this tiny little boutique (Radio Shopen), and so I decided to buy something nice for myself :) The gold coloured jacket was something I randomly found in a second hand shop, I love it! I also bought a new necklace and the latest issue of UK's Kerrang (with a HIM poster hehee 8''D).
my classmates LOVES popcorn, we eat popcorn like every day here.. lol they are so crazy (and old). I'm in school right now and waiting for my bus. I'm so glad we have a computer in this classroom with speakers! Youtube and Myspace are my best friends atm XD
02/22 : D'espairsRay =/
x mood : as we say in Sweden, "o-pepp" =/
x music : girugamesh : jarring fly
Hehe lol.. a new release from D'espairsRay, a single on may 28th this year. Can this be true? I almost thought "our guys" had died or disbanded -___-;; Yeah I'm not too overexcited about this. I'm actually scared to death about this new release just because I didn't like the latest album. Will I like these new songs or not? Or does it really matter what I think? No it doesn't, it just happend to be important to me. I have D'espairsRay all over my room and I don't like it anymore, it's not as fun as it has been. I seriously think I need a break. Some weeks, some months? I don't know.
I'm not excited about the AN CAFE concert either (in Stockholm on March 16), and perhaps I should sell my ticket since it's sold out and all. Sell it to someone who wants to see them more than I do. I've already seen them and they're not one of my favourite bands and blah blah blah I think you get my point .___.;
x music : girugamesh : jarring fly
Hehe lol.. a new release from D'espairsRay, a single on may 28th this year. Can this be true? I almost thought "our guys" had died or disbanded -___-;; Yeah I'm not too overexcited about this. I'm actually scared to death about this new release just because I didn't like the latest album. Will I like these new songs or not? Or does it really matter what I think? No it doesn't, it just happend to be important to me. I have D'espairsRay all over my room and I don't like it anymore, it's not as fun as it has been. I seriously think I need a break. Some weeks, some months? I don't know.
I'm not excited about the AN CAFE concert either (in Stockholm on March 16), and perhaps I should sell my ticket since it's sold out and all. Sell it to someone who wants to see them more than I do. I've already seen them and they're not one of my favourite bands and blah blah blah I think you get my point .___.;
02/21 : wtf.. I didn't need to see his ass.
x mood : the mood of someone who has seen too much
x music : an cafe : rinne no tsumi
OK, this kind of pics are okay, I like live pics/caps like these ones *LOL* The one who made the update on LJ said that "Ville is too hot for photobucket" so she posted the caps in her own lj.. That was a few days ago. Today I randomly went through some pages in the valo_daily community at LJ and found THIS PICS on this page. A pics of the asses of Bam (left) and Ville (right).. hmmmm... I feel like I've seen enough for the rest of my life. I didn't knew he had one on his ass! haha XD This was too much, I didn't need to see THAT asscrack.
The HIM concert btw, was good. [I took some pics and I will post some of them in my lj ^^]. I've been to better concerts and seen better bands live but this was special for me and it's too diffiluft to describe. I was just.. so happy! I was happy in the same way as I was 1st time I saw Dir en grey and D'espairsRay live - I cried :,D Maybe I will write a live report about this in english too.. I'm so busy at the moment (and pissed off, but that's another story).
I'm going to this "new" night club in Stockholm called Club Shibuya this Saturday. It's going to be interesting. Atm I can't say "it's going to be SOOOOO FUUUUUN :DD" hmmm =/ But anyway, I'm looking forward to see what it looks like this time. D'espairsRay was special guests last time I was there hehe. I'm not sure if I'm going to Stockholm today (friday) or tomorrow, I'm not in the right mood for Stockholm.
x music : an cafe : rinne no tsumi
OK, this kind of pics are okay, I like live pics/caps like these ones *LOL* The one who made the update on LJ said that "Ville is too hot for photobucket" so she posted the caps in her own lj.. That was a few days ago. Today I randomly went through some pages in the valo_daily community at LJ and found THIS PICS on this page. A pics of the asses of Bam (left) and Ville (right).. hmmmm... I feel like I've seen enough for the rest of my life. I didn't knew he had one on his ass! haha XD This was too much, I didn't need to see THAT asscrack.
The HIM concert btw, was good. [I took some pics and I will post some of them in my lj ^^]. I've been to better concerts and seen better bands live but this was special for me and it's too diffiluft to describe. I was just.. so happy! I was happy in the same way as I was 1st time I saw Dir en grey and D'espairsRay live - I cried :,D Maybe I will write a live report about this in english too.. I'm so busy at the moment (and pissed off, but that's another story).
I'm going to this "new" night club in Stockholm called Club Shibuya this Saturday. It's going to be interesting. Atm I can't say "it's going to be SOOOOO FUUUUUN :DD" hmmm =/ But anyway, I'm looking forward to see what it looks like this time. D'espairsRay was special guests last time I was there hehe. I'm not sure if I'm going to Stockholm today (friday) or tomorrow, I'm not in the right mood for Stockholm.
02/14 : The LM.C CDs = mine >8)
x mood : tired
x music : HIM : dead lover's lane
I couldn't sleep this night, as the nigh before I went to London I was too excited and couldn't relax at all. Went to bed at 2am or something and my cat Sixten slept in the middle of my bed.. he's too cute :3 And the two LM.C auctions on mbok.jp ended this night! I WON HAHAHAAA 8'D
x LM.C『Trailers[Gold]』初回盤DVD付 (820 yen)
x LM.C『Trailers[Silver]』初回盤DVD付 (910 yen)
THAT'S SO CHEAP! And you know what? I'm going to see HIM tonight! haha I don't know how many times I've said this before and my mother is starting to get so annoyed XD Poor woman.
x music : HIM : dead lover's lane
I couldn't sleep this night, as the nigh before I went to London I was too excited and couldn't relax at all. Went to bed at 2am or something and my cat Sixten slept in the middle of my bed.. he's too cute :3 And the two LM.C auctions on mbok.jp ended this night! I WON HAHAHAAA 8'D
x LM.C『Trailers[Gold]』初回盤DVD付 (820 yen)
x LM.C『Trailers[Silver]』初回盤DVD付 (910 yen)
THAT'S SO CHEAP! And you know what? I'm going to see HIM tonight! haha I don't know how many times I've said this before and my mother is starting to get so annoyed XD Poor woman.
02/12 : Lol..
02/12 : Sushi tomorrow!
x mood : happy
x music : Pannic Channel : 829 Service (Euro mix)
I eat too much sushi. I just made and ate some, it'll be my lunch for tomorrow at school -__-;; School is going fine btw.. I couldn't go during January because I was sick and then I went to London and Stockholm for girugamesh. So I have lots of stuff to work with while I'm there - in school. I missed 4 weeks you know :o
And have I told you? Since summer 2007 I've been working on a para para dance to the LM.C song "@FUNNY PHANTOM@"?! It's going great! I'm finally almost done with THE WHOLE DANCE! I'm so happy! The plan was from the beginning that I alone 1st made a para para dance to the song I just mentioned. Then I'd teach some of my friends the right moves (Steffi IS para para so it's easy as hell to teach her! I've already showed her some moves haha! She's awesome!). Then we'd dress up and make a music video whith that song as a theme and put 90% focus on that dance I've made. It's going to be a masterpiece! I can see everything in front of me 8D
Recently I've placed some bids on japanese auctions again :) A girugamesh VHS tape (I think it's a concert 8D), a girugamesh poster and a LM.C poster. I'm also trying to win LM.C'c first released CDs "Trailers Gold" and "Trailers Silver", which me good luck :P
Well then.. tomorrow I'm going to search usefull info about girugamesh, I need it something I'm working with in school. My teacher is not interested in japanese music or girugamesh, but she's funny and I think she will enjoy my words and facts (and pics) about this band anyway ^^
x music : Pannic Channel : 829 Service (Euro mix)
I eat too much sushi. I just made and ate some, it'll be my lunch for tomorrow at school -__-;; School is going fine btw.. I couldn't go during January because I was sick and then I went to London and Stockholm for girugamesh. So I have lots of stuff to work with while I'm there - in school. I missed 4 weeks you know :o
And have I told you? Since summer 2007 I've been working on a para para dance to the LM.C song "@FUNNY PHANTOM@"?! It's going great! I'm finally almost done with THE WHOLE DANCE! I'm so happy! The plan was from the beginning that I alone 1st made a para para dance to the song I just mentioned. Then I'd teach some of my friends the right moves (Steffi IS para para so it's easy as hell to teach her! I've already showed her some moves haha! She's awesome!). Then we'd dress up and make a music video whith that song as a theme and put 90% focus on that dance I've made. It's going to be a masterpiece! I can see everything in front of me 8D
Recently I've placed some bids on japanese auctions again :) A girugamesh VHS tape (I think it's a concert 8D), a girugamesh poster and a LM.C poster. I'm also trying to win LM.C'c first released CDs "Trailers Gold" and "Trailers Silver", which me good luck :P
Well then.. tomorrow I'm going to search usefull info about girugamesh, I need it something I'm working with in school. My teacher is not interested in japanese music or girugamesh, but she's funny and I think she will enjoy my words and facts (and pics) about this band anyway ^^
02/10 : Haha yeah poor guys =/
x mood : lonely-monkey-crazy-so-very-fuckin-rollin
I read this LM.C interview at JaME, [this one], it seems like they don't have a clue about their fanbase in Europe and the US. Aiji says that they get fanmail, 3 of them per month are from non-Japanese people. So it's no wonder why they don't think they have fans here. We need to show them that we love them. And by "we" I mean everyone who honest can say that they like their music and style - the fans.
I know someone who's going to make them a hand written letter haha. I'm going to do that. It was a very interesting interview btw, I was very happy to see that JaME finally made a interview with this group :) Here is the address to LM.C, if someone wants to do what I'm going to do;
Address all fan mail to:
"LM.C maya or Aiji"
Pony Canyon Music
2-5-10, Toranomon, Minato-ku
150-0001 Tokyo
* Please make sure that "LM.C maya or Aiji" is included in the address.
* Please do not send food of any kind.
I don't think there are such borders overseas as much.
Aiji: Ah, nice and peaceful. (laughs)
Maya: I want to be invited overseas! (laughs)
Please give your messages to JaME readers.
Maya: But I still can't imagine anyone out there! (laugh)
Aiji: Well, we can't see how we are seen by overseas fans, and how we are received. So it is hard to get a focus.(laugh)
So how about saying, "Please send us more letters?"
Aiji: Yes, that sounds good. I'm simply happy if I get letters, and if our music is sent not only to the Japanese but also to people all over the world, I'm very lucky as a musician, and I'm very happy if more people were to listen to our music. If we have the chance, I want to go all of the continents and do lives.
You see what I mean? XD
I read this LM.C interview at JaME, [this one], it seems like they don't have a clue about their fanbase in Europe and the US. Aiji says that they get fanmail, 3 of them per month are from non-Japanese people. So it's no wonder why they don't think they have fans here. We need to show them that we love them. And by "we" I mean everyone who honest can say that they like their music and style - the fans.
I know someone who's going to make them a hand written letter haha. I'm going to do that. It was a very interesting interview btw, I was very happy to see that JaME finally made a interview with this group :) Here is the address to LM.C, if someone wants to do what I'm going to do;
Address all fan mail to:
"LM.C maya or Aiji"
Pony Canyon Music
2-5-10, Toranomon, Minato-ku
150-0001 Tokyo
* Please make sure that "LM.C maya or Aiji" is included in the address.
* Please do not send food of any kind.
I don't think there are such borders overseas as much.
Aiji: Ah, nice and peaceful. (laughs)
Maya: I want to be invited overseas! (laughs)
Please give your messages to JaME readers.
Maya: But I still can't imagine anyone out there! (laugh)
Aiji: Well, we can't see how we are seen by overseas fans, and how we are received. So it is hard to get a focus.(laugh)
So how about saying, "Please send us more letters?"
Aiji: Yes, that sounds good. I'm simply happy if I get letters, and if our music is sent not only to the Japanese but also to people all over the world, I'm very lucky as a musician, and I'm very happy if more people were to listen to our music. If we have the chance, I want to go all of the continents and do lives.
You see what I mean? XD
02/09 : girugamesh live pics 8)
x mood : tired
x music : girugamesh : patchwork
I found more pictures from the girugamesh gig in Stockholm, they can be found in New Nippon's gallery! It's not allowed to re-post the pictures anywhere so that's why I took a picture of the screen with my camera XD Lovely photos, I really like the last one. But as usual: no good pics of the drummer -___-; They also posted a report from "the girugamesh day in Stockholm". I can see myself, Steffi, Hanna, Yumika and Nana in two of the pics hehe 8D I read in the report that the band had a small photosession 15 minutes before the concert.. it'll be interesting to see what they look like. An interview was done before the show but I can't enter the page, it says "Page not found" :c I can't wait to read THAT INTERVIEW!
x music : girugamesh : patchwork
I found more pictures from the girugamesh gig in Stockholm, they can be found in New Nippon's gallery! It's not allowed to re-post the pictures anywhere so that's why I took a picture of the screen with my camera XD Lovely photos, I really like the last one. But as usual: no good pics of the drummer -___-; They also posted a report from "the girugamesh day in Stockholm". I can see myself, Steffi, Hanna, Yumika and Nana in two of the pics hehe 8D I read in the report that the band had a small photosession 15 minutes before the concert.. it'll be interesting to see what they look like. An interview was done before the show but I can't enter the page, it says "Page not found" :c I can't wait to read THAT INTERVIEW!
x mood : curious
x music : the piass : if...[reset]
Hello! I'm searching for a ticket to the AN CAFE concert in Stockholm, Sweden. The concert is totally sold out and my friend does not have a ticket.. She says she can pay like 35-50€ (350-500 SEK) for one ticket, is anyone around here having one for sale? Please help me/us to find one ó___ò
And yes I'm swedish, you can comment to me in Swedish if you like :o Någon här som vet någon som säljer en AN CAFE biljett till spelningen i Stockholm? Jag har redan kollat tradera, för dyrt. :/
x music : the piass : if...[reset]
Hello! I'm searching for a ticket to the AN CAFE concert in Stockholm, Sweden. The concert is totally sold out and my friend does not have a ticket.. She says she can pay like 35-50€ (350-500 SEK) for one ticket, is anyone around here having one for sale? Please help me/us to find one ó___ò
And yes I'm swedish, you can comment to me in Swedish if you like :o Någon här som vet någon som säljer en AN CAFE biljett till spelningen i Stockholm? Jag har redan kollat tradera, för dyrt. :/
02/06 : I'm going to see HIM!!!!!
x mood : perfect!
x music : HIM : your sweet six six six
This is too good to be true, but it is true! Someone googled "HIM+biljett" (biljett is the Swedish word for "ticket") and found my Swedish blog, where I - in the end of January gave up all hope about finding a cheap ticket to the HIM concert in Stockholm on Valentine's Day. She found me and left a comment; "I have a ticket for sale, are you interested?" she said.
We've talked today, she showed me a pics of the ticket and the receipt and I decided to buy it from her. (It was her sisters ticket). She gave me payment information and I paid her a few hours ago, her sister will send me the ticket tomorrow :)
The tickets I found at the swedish auction site tradera.com would have cost me like 1500+SEK, Swedish crowns (like 150€). I paid 600SEK for this ticket and that is a very good price for a ticket to a SOLD OUT CONCERT! I'm so happy right now so I have to x-post this to my lj lol
x music : HIM : your sweet six six six
This is too good to be true, but it is true! Someone googled "HIM+biljett" (biljett is the Swedish word for "ticket") and found my Swedish blog, where I - in the end of January gave up all hope about finding a cheap ticket to the HIM concert in Stockholm on Valentine's Day. She found me and left a comment; "I have a ticket for sale, are you interested?" she said.
We've talked today, she showed me a pics of the ticket and the receipt and I decided to buy it from her. (It was her sisters ticket). She gave me payment information and I paid her a few hours ago, her sister will send me the ticket tomorrow :)
The tickets I found at the swedish auction site tradera.com would have cost me like 1500+SEK, Swedish crowns (like 150€). I paid 600SEK for this ticket and that is a very good price for a ticket to a SOLD OUT CONCERT! I'm so happy right now so I have to x-post this to my lj lol
Versailles x Matenrou Opera to Sweden '08!
Versailles x Matenrou Opera
Coupling Tour
Venue: Klubben**, Stockholm - Sweden
Date: 30th March 2008
Time: Doors open 18:30
Price: 320 SEK (Versailles + Matenrou Opera)
Agelimit: 13 years
Photoban: Yes
Biljetter köps via ticnet.se
Tickets for residents outside Sweden:
Send an email to tickets@newnippon.net
Please include; Full name and birthday for each ticket.
**Klubben is located in Fryshuset (Mårtendalsgatan 2-8, 120 06 Stockholm) at Gullmarsplan (Green subway line)
02/02 : I'm home, and OK ^^
x mood : hungry
x music : girugamesh : Kyo-HOLLOW-
Long time no see. LONDON was awesome, the concert and the people in London was awesome! Stockholm and everything that happend in Stockholm before, during and after the signing session and the concert was awesome! In fact, this week has been so awesome so I don't know where I shall begin! :'D
Writing the Swedish live report for the concert in Stockholm a.t.m. Going to do a shorter english version too.. The picture was taken before I went to London, I lost my sunglasses but bought new ones when I got back home lol
Sushi today!
x music : girugamesh : Kyo-HOLLOW-
Long time no see. LONDON was awesome, the concert and the people in London was awesome! Stockholm and everything that happend in Stockholm before, during and after the signing session and the concert was awesome! In fact, this week has been so awesome so I don't know where I shall begin! :'D
Writing the Swedish live report for the concert in Stockholm a.t.m. Going to do a shorter english version too.. The picture was taken before I went to London, I lost my sunglasses but bought new ones when I got back home lol
Sushi today!
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