
02/14 : The LM.C CDs = mine >8)

x mood : tired
x music : HIM : dead lover's lane

I couldn't sleep this night, as the nigh before I went to London I was too excited and couldn't relax at all. Went to bed at 2am or something and my cat Sixten slept in the middle of my bed.. he's too cute :3 And the two LM.C auctions on mbok.jp ended this night! I WON HAHAHAAA 8'D

x LM.C『Trailers[Gold]』初回盤DVD付 (820 yen)
x LM.C『Trailers[Silver]』初回盤DVD付 (910 yen)

THAT'S SO CHEAP! And you know what? I'm going to see HIM tonight! haha I don't know how many times I've said this before and my mother is starting to get so annoyed XD Poor woman.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the auctions ^^ That is a pretty cheap.

Unknown said...

thanks! yes it was a good deal :D