
02/02 : I'm home, and OK ^^

x mood : hungry
x music : girugamesh : Kyo-HOLLOW-

Long time no see. LONDON was awesome, the concert and the people in London was awesome! Stockholm and everything that happend in Stockholm before, during and after the signing session and the concert was awesome! In fact, this week has been so awesome so I don't know where I shall begin! :'D

Writing the Swedish live report for the concert in Stockholm a.t.m. Going to do a shorter english version too.. The picture was taken before I went to London, I lost my sunglasses but bought new ones when I got back home lol

Sushi today!


Polly//norowarete_iru said...

lol okay! can't wait to read it!! ^_^ you posting it only on here or on Lj too?

Unknown said...

I'll x-post the live report to my lj ^___^

Polly//norowarete_iru said...

ok cool ^^