
07/13 : Schedule updated!

✖MUSIC: Bullet for my Valentine : Forever and Allways

Updated my schedule again! (link) :D I'm SO happy right now haha! Bullet for my Valentine are coming to Sweden in December; Stockholm, Lund and Göteborg. And with two support band: Lacuna Coil & Bleeding Through. (I'd love to see Bullet in ALL cities!). I also found info about the next stop in Stockholm for Swedish viking-metal band Amon Amarth. I would hate myself if I missed yet another amon gig! So, they're guests at Slayer's "The Unholy Alliance: Chapter III", along with Trivium, Mastodon and of course Slayer at Hovet in Stockholm on Nov 23.

Oh btw, yesterday I drove a motocross! Not a big one.. but still, it was a crossbike. A friend, Micke, learned me the basics, and it was SO FUN to drive! Unfortunatly, the chain let us down on the way back home lol :/


Polly//norowarete_iru said...

Wow!! thats cool! I hope you have seeing them live! Kill Hannah is having a show in August with some other band i might go. -_- then my next planned concert isn't until Nov when I see Coldplay lol.

Polly//norowarete_iru said...
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