
06/01 : 1st June.. well well..

✖MOOD: tired & restless :c
✖MUSIC: Broder daniel : When we were winning

"To the well-organized mind,
death is but the next great adventure."

I'm once again into the Harry Potter books because of my friend Linda (who's complaining about the lack of news and rumours concerning the 6th HP movie X''D poor thing <3). I finnished the first HP book, once again. LONG TIME NO READ. To be honest, I haven't read a single book since the latest/last HP book in july/august last summer. And long time since last time I read the first book, however, I've never read it in english (only the two last books) untill now. English is for me almost as easy as swedish, I understand much more words than I dare to use when I talk. (I guess that's why some english ppl I've met think I'm shy :/). And I accidently updated myself in the D'espairsRay world, they'll have a 2nd Japan tour this year and the 9th anniversary date is up. I won't go, only when I have a job I can seriousley think of travveling to Japan for these old men [aka despa] lol. Swedish New Nippon will announce a new concert on 17th august and I was quite relieved to see that despa has a tour-date in JP on the 16th, they can't come to Sweden the next day to have a concert, impossible! :'''D Stay where you are for as long as you like. I don't mind. But I'd see them live IF they came back of course. And yes, I still want to see them live in Japan on their 10th Anniversary next year.

Now back to reality. I still haven't got a job and I REALLY need one.. I know I must go to a place called arbetsförmedlingen to get help and a first start and.. yeah you know. I don't know anythung at all about having a job. hm... but I'll FINNALY have a new hair cut next week and I'm also going back to Norrköping next week for that music festival job :D oh and my mom will finally buy me new glasses :3 I'm very excited about the festival job because I'll be BACKSTAGE!!


Polly//norowarete_iru said...

Oh, I never could get into the Harry Potter books but I do enjoy the movies. You should try reading the Twlight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. It has to do with Vampires! XD

Nice shirt lol. I actually wore mine today I was running late for school and thats the first shirt I saw so i put it on and ran out the door!

Same here I'm goin to the 10th oh and alot of people we both know that live in Europe told me the other day that they are gonna try to go too lol.

Have fun working at the Festival!! ^_^

Unknown said...

I love the books as much as the movies but I'm not as fanatic as one of my friends lol

I'll look that book ^^
haha thanks! XD

It would be so fun if everyone could be there! I really really want to be there, and hopefully Hanna aswell. lol.. despa has too many fans, I bet they're soon as famous as Metallica -_-;

thank you ^^ I'll write about it when I'm home again on Sunday.

Polly//norowarete_iru said...

Oh when you have time check my Lj i finally uploaded those d'ray FC pictures ^^