
01/21 : Sushi today~

x mood : bleh ~
x music : metronome : computer

A friend came over today and I made sushi for us :D Unfortunatly it tasted like shit. I thought so but my friend said it was good.. but he never ate the lachs nigiri like I did. My sisters boyfriend was here too and he tasted sushi for the first time or something, he liked it :3

At least I made the rice more than OK even though it's not real sushi rice ^^; Later we watched movie clips on youtube like the Swedish "Paralamentet" and the Lord of the Rings parody in Swedish called "Sagan om Ändringen" hahaha it was funny. As for tonight; I actually thought I was going to SLEEP. So that's what I'm going to do right now. Oh! And some day I have to write about when a team from the Swedish TV channel SVT came home to me for an interview about "jrock and girugamesh" :o


Polly//norowarete_iru said...

lol. your sushi doesnt look that bad!

Hanna told me about the girugamesht interview i want to know about this!!

Unknown said...

yes I will tell you about it! xD I was thinking about x-post it to my lj when I'm done XD

(btw the bad thing with comments in a blog is that I don't think you can see when I answer, or can you? :o)

Polly//norowarete_iru said...

yeah i can see when you comment lol its just i never check my G-mail account so i have to go to your blog and see if you comment back lol