
01/25 : Change of plans!

x mood : annoyed
x music : combichrist : this shit will fcuk you up

Change of plans! I'm going to Stockholm tomorrow instead of today, I overslept and missed my bus to Nyköping. Means that I can't arrive in sthlm before 4pm and the Brittish tourist center close at 4pm, it sucks. So I talked to Hanna earlier and we decided that it would be better if I go to stockholm tomorrow, Saturday. I'll meet her and some other friends and later that evening I'll go to Sebbe and cut my hair.

I write too much shit about nothing.. I really need to get my life back (which is in school). And I feel so bad because I still haven't showed my face in school this YEAR. I don't know my new classmates yet yay =___=;; I have to contact them before monday about the London trip, they must know where I am and that I'm still interested in school ;__; .. lol


01/23 : "stupid" japs in EURO'08

x mood : bored
x music : the piass : ki nama mushi

The poster for the Swedish gig.

OK, so the concert in Bochum is SOLD OUT, the band are on the move to Europe as we speak (if they're not already here :o). I know about two autograph sessions in Germany and one in Sweden.. but what about London, Paris and Helsinki? I'm going to Stockholm this Friday to meet some friends and to visit the Brittish tourist center and buy a 2-3 days card for the London tube "Underground" (or whetever else it's called? XD). And this Monday I'm finally going to London :3 My plane leaves at 6.40 in the morning lol.. I have to get up SO EARLY. When I arrive in London I'll meet my Swedish friend Kajsa, then I'll try to do as much typical tourist stuff as possible while I'm there. She'll be with me, and that feels good to know that I don't have to do everything by myself :3 (She's not going to the concert btw). I want to see BIG BEN and go into a huge toy store like Hamley's or Harrods (am I right? o_O;). I want to walk on Trafalgar Square and see the London Bridge very close. I didn't had time or energy enough last time I was there (in november 2006 for D'espairsRay, they played at the same venue as girugamesh is about to do). Hmmm I have to make a little plan for things I'd like to do before I go.

Anyhow, after a few hours I will meet Polina a.k.a. "kazu" somewhere, maybe at the venue itself? Carling Academy Islington - a good venue with roof over the entrance, which means that it's a good venue to camp outside haha. We will "sleep" outside the venue that night, and at the 29th it's my sisters birthday and also the 1st concert I'm going to this year hehe. I will probably do a little cosplay of Ryo this day but nothing too complicated, and I will buy some of their tour goods because I don't think I'll have time to do that in Stockholm.

"stupid" tour 2009 in EUROPE
01.24 7:00PM - Georg-Elser-Hallen, Munich
01.26 6:00PM - Zeche, Bochum
01.27 5:00PM - La locomotive, Paris
01.29 7:00PM - Carling Academy Islington, London
01.31 7:30PM - Klubben, Stockholm
02.02 3:30PM - Tavastia, Helsinki

stupid autograph sessions :P

MÜNCHEN, Jan 24, 1:30-2:30PM:
Neo Tokyo
80802 München

BOCHUM, Jan 26, 1-3pm:
Zeche Bochum
Prinz-Regent-Str. 50-60
44795 Bochum

STOCKHOLM, Jan 31, at 2PM:
Sound Pollution
Stora Nygatan 18 (in "Old Town")

I have tons of plans for the Stockholm gig & autograph session, and SVT is involved with almost everything because they want to follow me during that day and all with a huge camera. And a funny dude named Mats is going to ask me question about girugamesh and "jrock". January 31 is going to be VERY interesting.

EDIT: GIRUGAMESH WILL HAVE A SUPPORT BAND IN STOCKHOLM, THEY'RE CALLED MARIONETTE. This is going to be both boring and interesting because I usually don't like when already GOOD BANDS have support bands. Nevermind, it was just my opinion.

01/23 : Refreshing..

x mood : tired
x music : deathgaze : genocide and mass murder

Yesterday I went out for a long walk, it took me 40 minutes and it was so refreshing! :O I thought about childhood memories, nothing I'd like to share in this blog.. I also tried to edit my MYSPACE PROFILE, but I failed hahaha. And I went to bed too late because I tried some new moves for the para para dance I'm making for the LM.C song @FUNNY PHANTOM@. (When the dance is done I'll learn some of my friends and then we're going to make a music video and upload on youtube ^^).


01/21 : Sushi today~

x mood : bleh ~
x music : metronome : computer

A friend came over today and I made sushi for us :D Unfortunatly it tasted like shit. I thought so but my friend said it was good.. but he never ate the lachs nigiri like I did. My sisters boyfriend was here too and he tasted sushi for the first time or something, he liked it :3

At least I made the rice more than OK even though it's not real sushi rice ^^; Later we watched movie clips on youtube like the Swedish "Paralamentet" and the Lord of the Rings parody in Swedish called "Sagan om Ändringen" hahaha it was funny. As for tonight; I actually thought I was going to SLEEP. So that's what I'm going to do right now. Oh! And some day I have to write about when a team from the Swedish TV channel SVT came home to me for an interview about "jrock and girugamesh" :o

01/21 : lalaalaaa~ and mail

x mood : still tired
x music : metronome : computer

OK, I did'nt meant "I will stop using my lj and don't post new updates in my 69therror on lj anymore". I will, but I don't feel like it when I rather could be here and update whenever I feel like :3 I will probably update in my lj when it's REALLY IMPORTANT or if I have tons of pics I'd like to share.. I can't post everytjing here you know haha. But maybe I'll re-post all the entries from 69therror @ lj (they're not that many). hmm..

I got mail from cdjapan a few days ago :)

[x] girugamesh : Vulcano (DVD)
[x] SKULL : Ugly Black Showcase (CD)

And V!NYL SYNDICATE, who spelled "the studs" very funny.. They also forget the "i" in "information" on the page about girugamesh hahaha. In speaking of the studs, untill today I haven't checked their OHP for something what felt like ages :c I haven't been the studs updated in a very long time. Don't know why.. really, I don't know. So when I looked at their OHP a few hours ago I saw LOTS OF CHANGES. And the profile pictures ._. Damn.. I'm such a bad fan. I need to catch up with their music.

01/21 : Because I really like Ryo XD

x mood : amused
x music : gossip : public control CODE:155

zy 38 special comment" at youtube.com

Because this was hilarious! And I had to take some screen caps.. damn Ryo he's so funny, he kills me XD I was actually laughing when I watched this for the first time hahaha!!! And it's only ONE WEEK LEFT! 7 days from now and I'm in London wohohohooo! Going to meet my Swedish friend Kajsa and then we'll see what happens. I will probably write more about my plans for London and Stockholm later.. I need to think about the details first.

01/21 : 1st entry wohoo

x mood : tired
x music : the piass : if...[reset]

I'm tired, I haven't slept tonight and I'm NOT in school now. Makes me depressed.. but I'll try to do "my best" tomorrow.. (And the pics is new, but I have black hair now ^^;) I tried to start a account at yaplog tonight, it worked out fine but I don't understand a word of japanese besides the most of the words written with katakana haha. And a 1st entry in a new blog is supposed to be something cheerful and "hey! welcome :D"-ish, but this is definatly not XD

I made this blog because I'm simply tired of the lj thing. Where everyone can see when I make updates. Now, you can choose if you want to see my updates or not - you have to stalk my blog :P Ah anyway, I need something to eat. (Going to make sushi later today hehe 8D)

I'll try to make something cute out of this new blog. I guess you will soon notice that this layout reminds you of the one I have in the Swedish one. baibai-



I'm Elenor from Sweden and THIS IS MY ONLY PUBLIC BLOG IN ENGLISH. I'm also known as "HiROSHiTOSHi" and "69thERROR". I made this blog so that all of my english speaking friends world wide can have a chanse to know what I'm up to. Livejournal, Myspace, mixi and my Swedish blog is not enough.. And I update when and write about whatever I feel like here.

Feel free to leave comments in my entries, whoever you are, but be nice :)

Maybe I'll update this page later with more interesting info about myself haha. LATER!

UPDATED: 2008/03/13