
09/02 : The Hives live pics (by me)

○● music: the hives : return the favour

Hey! I saw the greatest band in the world some days ago, live at Gröna Lund in Stockholm. If you've ever seen THE HIVES live, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I cannot promise a real live report but I want to share some of my photos though.

btw, I have a new SWEDISH blog (http://gejland.blogspot.com).

You can find all pics in my flickr-account, "Concert Photos".


08/23 : Note..

✖MOOD: blah!
✖MUSIC: Backyard Babies : saved by the bell

No, I'm not dead, not yet.
I just don't feel like updating.


07/27 : Way out west

✖MOOD: very good
✖MUSIC: Backyard Babies : Painkiller

More work to do this summer, I'll work at two swedish festivals this August! 'Way out west' [wayoutwest.se] in Göteborg on 8-9th aug (I'll stay in Göteborg 7-10 th) and 'Typ en festival' [myspace.com/typenfestival] in my town, Nyköping on 22-23 aug. It was a big surprice to receive mail from Way out west because my application was kind of late and the festival is one of the big ones.

This means, I'll have HUGE chanses to see Broder Daniel live again and I'm very pleased for that. I wrote earlier in this blog about them and why this band is important to me.. And their man on guitar died earlier this year, so this will probably be the last Broder Daniel gig.. ever.


07/13 : Schedule updated!

✖MUSIC: Bullet for my Valentine : Forever and Allways

Updated my schedule again! (link) :D I'm SO happy right now haha! Bullet for my Valentine are coming to Sweden in December; Stockholm, Lund and Göteborg. And with two support band: Lacuna Coil & Bleeding Through. (I'd love to see Bullet in ALL cities!). I also found info about the next stop in Stockholm for Swedish viking-metal band Amon Amarth. I would hate myself if I missed yet another amon gig! So, they're guests at Slayer's "The Unholy Alliance: Chapter III", along with Trivium, Mastodon and of course Slayer at Hovet in Stockholm on Nov 23.

Oh btw, yesterday I drove a motocross! Not a big one.. but still, it was a crossbike. A friend, Micke, learned me the basics, and it was SO FUN to drive! Unfortunatly, the chain let us down on the way back home lol :/


07/10 : Goddmornin'

✖MOOD: good
✖MUSIC: Amon Amarth : The pursuit of Vikings

Today is going to be the hell of a good day! I'm in such a great mood right now actually but I can't explain why. Time is almost 5am over here and I'm still awake. I'll try not to go to sleep untill 7-9pm, wich me good luck on that one.


And look what I wrote in my last.fm-blog yesterday:
✖ SCHEDULE (Attended gigs) VERSION 0:2 (link)